The Power of Music

Music needs no introduction – it is the introduction. Music has the power to create. The ability to enlighten and inspire. Music speaks for itself. Try to explain the effect of music, and it can not compare to the experience.

Many genres are effective in reaching its target audience on a subatomic level of pure consciousness which cannot be properly understood or ‘felt’ without direct experience.

On the flip-side, music can serve as a negative tool to sway impressionable masses towards corporate / capitalist gain, with a minimal positive outcome. Some combinations of vibrations, frequencies, and human manipulation of these elements (including deceptive vocals and subliminal messages) are destructive. Can you hear the difference between these combination choices, and, are you paying enough attention to identify persuasive attempts to control you?

I love music. Most do! I also refuse to be a consumer to corporate interests and easily led by quasi-clever marketing douchebags. They don’t give a fuuuuck about you and will take as much money from you as possible (as little as you have). There are highly organized and  intelligent committees in place to watch your emotional reactions of music, art, and politics; they do this to keep you submissive, controlled, and ultimately, lower than they are.

Take these examples:

1. Live recording of ‘London Calling’ by The Clash. (punk)

2. Live concert recording of ‘Symphony of Destruction’ by Megadeath. (metal)

3. Live set by Deadmau5. (electronica)

4. Live concert video of ‘The Jonas Brothers’.

5. Live performance by Eminem and Rihanna: Like the Way You Lie.

Listening and watching audience reactions is paramount in forecasting public interest, budget projections, and estimating ‘pop culture’ economic returns benefiting hegmonically-dominant shareholders. Know when you are being used.

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Why we fuck shit up.

Ok, I apologize for the foul language, but I needed a hook. Stating “fucked up shit” is more effective in trying to hook an audience than something pretentious and, ultimately, ignorance just sucks. I am guilty of both ‘crimes’. However, we’re still learning!

“Fucked up shit” can fall into one of these categories:

– Trusting people we shouldn’t.

– Allowing other people to lead us down a guilt trip; guilt over something warranted, and something insignificant? Well, they are different.

– Avoiding introspection because it feels bad. *

– Letting “controlled reactions” rule your life.

– Holding onto the past. You can’t change it, and many will say you can’t change your future. So accept and deal with it.

– We tend to expect others to “play our game”. If you want something from someone? Play their game, but don’t get lost in the process. Learn to play several different roles, work them to your advantage, if and when,  needed.

– Expecting WAY too much from others.  Most people are on auto-pilot, and they don’t intend to hurt/ confuse/ upset you. Most people are selfish; accept it and adapt, then decide if you want to remain part of that low-vibrational consciousness (because you do not have to).

– Learn, understand, and accept that NO ONE will save you from yourself. The “self” is imaginary, egocentric, and destructive. We aren’t “special” on an individual basis. We are special as a race of human beings.

– LOVE each other. Let go of grudges and expectations; look around you and try to feel/ see what your fellow human is experiencing. Try to see “love” as a universal right.

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Changes Made to Disclaimer

I added some useful links for anyone interested in international law and, in particular, human rights to this site’s disclaimer.

It is imperative that (at least some of us) take initiative and understand our rights as human beings. All too often, these rights ARE NOT respected, and laws not followed. It is NOT for everyone, but those who care, should understand the laws of the Earth.


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Tips : Surviving in a Linear, Controlled Society

Let’s face it: trying to adapt to a society built on financial gain and conformity is really hard for some people. For some of us, it is impossible. At least once a day, I read something or hear something which provokes confusion and frustration.

Being “different” or having an altered perception isn’t a good thing, to most. It is understandable that people want to fit in, to belong to something. What happens when you just don’t? Never have? What can a person do when they have explored avenues in life and fail at most of them?

Main Expectations of Life:

– School / indoctrination. (FAIL)

– Money. Wealth. Becoming and staying a consumer for life. (FAIL)

– Traditional relationships. (EPIC FAIL)

– Traditional employment. (FAIL)

– Procreation. (FAIL)

– Do what you’re told, or else. (CATASTROPHIC FAIL)



How to Survive : 10 Practical Tips

DISCIPLINE. Whichever ‘rituals’ you have adopted to relax, clear your mind, concentrate, or focus … are a good thing. This is a way of loving yourself and having respect for yourself. You could jog, meditate, swim, read, etc. Any activity, whether it be mental or physical, will bring you back to a centered place of your own dwelling/ comfort. It is important to remind ourselves that we are capable of controlling our own environments, but it is a state of the conscious mind which (in our current drone-society), is more effective when practiced.

OPEN-MINDEDNESS. It is good to be skeptical. There is nothing wrong with looking at every available fact before forming an opinion (in fact it is better for you, as well as everyone else). Having a mind which allows for child-like wonder, yet experience-based ‘decision-making’ is difficult to keep up …we seem to be driving on auto-pilot most of the time, but look up, look around once in a while!

SENSE OF HUMOUR. Being able to laugh at things, even in the face of pain, sadness, and adversity helps ‘reset’ the emotional imbalances many experience. When times seem hopeless or desperate, try to find the humour in them (there usually is). Example: you lose your wallet. OUCH. Cancelling your credit card(s) and replacing your bank card, drivers licence? Wow. Poor you. It is irritating, I will admit, but does not suggest an end of your world. How did you lose it? Were you wasted out of your mind and fell out of taxi? That is funny. Did you learn your lesson?

EMBRACE LONELINESS. To feel “lonely” is something we all understand. It isn’t surprising when we feel it, is it? We know the feeling, and immediately seek to “fill a void”, but the feeling always comes back. This can happen when a person is in a relationship, single/ dating, busy as hell, whatever. It is the human condition. Constantly trying to fill a void with people, places, and things which offer temporary relief … should be viewed (consciously) as exactly that: temporary sources of fulfillment. Loneliness will always find a way to come back.

LET GO. Dwelling on past mistakes can help us understand our weaknesses, and in a ‘survival’ based way, is useful in any process of emotional and mental growth. It is easy to get stuck in a cycle of self-pity and comfort in victimization (either being the victim or needing to have one). Ask yourself what the need really is. If you find yourself playing a situation over and over in your mind, ask yourself why  you might be doing that. The process of healing the emotions is within our control.


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Dr. Steven Greer talks about scalar and zero-point, extraterrestrial life

Scalar / Zero Point Device
There have been interesting developments in the past few years, many of which aren’t openly discussed or understood. Dr. Greer is obviously an intelligent man with a lot to say and even more supporting information assisting his claims. It is somewhat troubling that one of his ‘whistleblowers’ is seemingly infatuated with an old Nazi (Von Braun), but she is so open and proud about it that there must be a reason. Greer is the creator / director of Disclosure Project.
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Space Weaponization

Questions I ask myself:

– How much of this is true?

– How can peaceful, enlightened civilizations survive as part of a “warrior culture”?

– Will this cycle ever change? What does it really mean?

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Phsychoanalysis and Medication

Has this combination ever done anything but create the appearance mental / emotional wellness in patients?  I send this question out to anyone who is willing to listen, and perhaps give productive feedback.

I’m undecided. I am reluctant to believe that the human spirit is  “healed” in this strange (though politically and socially correct) fashion.

WHY … why, why why are the masses are so willing (and trusting) to ingest medications they know nothing about?

This leads to other important questions:

– Is a patient actually in need of potentially dangerous and addictive drugs? How qualified is the clinician to assess a patient’s mental capacity?

– The history of the patient is important; is a person simply a victim of “clever” advertising and putting too much faith in their doctor?

– WHO IS the patient? How have their life experiences contributed to present mental stressors?

– As a person who has seen far too many doctors, I have studied their verbal / body language and movements, reactions, and tendencies. All too often, we are expected to inherently trust our doctors. Well, I believe trust is earned between ALL human beings, and don’t care if someone is a doctor, hobo, or the prince of Saudi Arabia. Trust is not inherently given without earning it.


Doctors should have intuition; highly valuable, yet lacking, feature of the medical community. I have one thing (for sure) going for me: my intuition. I know it because I have it, and can pick it up in others.

Why is such a basic, primal instinct overlooked in the medical industry?

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Reality +/- Surrealism? Discuss It!

Bare with me. I am about to plunge, head-first, into a truly radical concept. My perspective of shared consciousness a.k.a. “reality” took shape in my formative years; like most fellow humans I share the Earth with.

The average person of ‘generation X-Y’ will pursue seemingly meaningless goals. My goal is not, in any way, to undermine the corporate / industrial driven societies we have been conditioned to see as “normal”. How often do we really contemplate our actions – our consciousness, our emotions, and how these phenomenally powerful elements – particularly when working cooperatively as a unique, intelligent, and collective whole … the idea of how TRULY powerful WE are as conscious beings? Often, I find myself with thousands of questions without quantifiable and believable answers.

For example – as well-oiled and planned beings, we “instinctively” interpret the 5 SENSES. These experiences are thoroughly undeniable to human beings on a global scale. We see. We touch. We smell … and so on.

There is enough evidence to suggest that institutions (or “the man”) are suppressing up to 30 years of technological discoveries & advancements which would serve as helpful and healing – to our collective well-being. OUR well-being; as people. As mammals. Entire civilizations/ societies could, and would, prosper and cultivate enlightened morales free from wars, poverty, illnesses, corruption, or even the need or drive to squabble for scraps of food, for a barrel of oil … Ultimately, we already own the required technology, science, and materials to heal ourselves AND our Earth.

Why are we hesitant to publicize, mass-produce, or even introduce these “radical ideas” to the public? And – when I say “we”, in this particular instance, I’m not even sure who is in control of the delegation, handling, and information of such technologies. No one will say, so, again, this leaves unanswered questions. A possible explanation for the successful suppression of decades of technology (your tax dollars pay for this shit, do you care now?) … highly valuable, useful, life-sustaining achievements? Here is one (but you may not like it – tough shit):

– The ‘general population’ are formed of relatively few “high-density CNS processing / intelligence”. In other words, most people are imbeciles. Why? There are reasons for this also – originating from the same bureaucratic, indoctrinating, intimidating system which has kept US STUPID from our formative years. We weren’t given a choice. The short, sad explanation for technology suppression is the state and mood of a collective society! Not everything is some outlandish conspiracy theory. There is logic and reason behind most of the world’s unwavering demise. The problem? US! The solution? Yes, it is also US.

Continue reading

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The Pharmaceutical Industry

My Brain MRI – Multiple Sclerosis

Firstly, I’d like to point out that drugs can and do help some people. But, for the most part, I believe that it does a lot more harm than good. Before I start, understand that I will be candidly chronicling the past 7 years of my life.

It is an industry built on bullshit. Funded by bullshit, and accepted as truth. Well, it isn’t “truth”, and if you’re going to be a sheep packed in with the rest of the heard, good luck to ya.

This evening, I went to renew a prescription I’ve been (more or less) addicted to for about 6 years. I do not have insurance because I am a freelance writer, and although I know ALLLLL about Quebec’s “insurance”, I’d rather not, thank you (an entire other article). My situation isn’t stable, but that isn’t the point. I cannot afford to purchase an entire month’s worth of this “necessary medication” in one shot. I am single. I make money when and where I can through various writing gigs and occasional family contributions. I’m basically fucking poor. So, asking me to fork out $75-150 on meds in one shot, because the pharmaceutical company makes it “cheaper” for ME (as if – what a joke) is not feasible, let alone doable.

Let me start from the beginning – as in, when I first started “needing” shit from a pharmacy in the first place. I never needed a damn thing until I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Then, of course, being naive and scared, I agreed to a clinical trial and allowed my neurologists to start me on a drug called Avonex. It was like living HELL for 5 days. I’d feel o-k for one day, then I’d have to receieve another syringe full of poison which made me feel like shit for another week. The cycle continued for months. I hated it. The mere memory of that entire ordeal sends a shiver up and down my spine so cold and creepy that I would rather plunge myself off the Jacques Cartier bridge.

Avonex is a treatment for MS which is similar to chemotherapy. CHEMO. Does anyone see something fucked up about that? Well, I did, and I stopped. But! It didn’t stop. I started getting phone calls from other pharma companies offering me THEIR drugs. I refused. I dealt with the bit of discomfort and painful relapse … because I would NOT live week by week on a fucking drug that made me want to puke, shit, sweat, sleep, and basically die ..all at once. I said, fuck off pharma, you’re not getting this one. This one is too strong, too crazy and stubborn for your mind-fucks. And, so far, its been going pretty well.

Here is the odd part: these pharma companies WANT ME. They call me like a damn telemarketer would. They ask me personal questions. They offer me shit. I deny it. I don’t want it, or anything they have to offer.

The shitty part, is that they already hooked me on Effexor and clonazepam. I successfully quit Effexor – cold muthafucking turkey, by MYSELF – in a week. Although I still experience symptoms of withdrawal and struggle with depression, I am going to make it without their help. I don’t need it, and neither does ANY other MS sufferer (my contact info is below – any time you need a helping hand, I will be there). 

The clonazepam has been a problem for me, I wont deny it, simply because I never asked for it in the first place. I have 3 (three) neurologists. The first one prescribed it because I wouldn’t go into an MRI (claustraphobia), the second because I was having a hard time dealing with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, and the third – was a “neuro-psychiatrist”. The neuro-psychiatrist was my favourite. I love the clip-board doctors who got through med school with a fucking cheat sheet and their dad’s already-established status. How lovely. Anyway, I saw through this tool like a piece of rice paper, so suffice it to say it didn’t go well. I ditched our other appoitments. I hope he was pissed about it, apparently this geek takes a year to get into. Actually he was cute, but still a clip-board nincompoop. No intuition.

I continued to blow off “important” appointments, miss pysiotherapy (for what, I ain’t crippled or in some stage of denial, I have MS and feel fucking great! What is the problem?). This eventually led to the breakdown, and eventual breakUP of my long-term, 4-year relationship. I guess he saw my rebellion as me not “taking care of myself”, whereas I, didn’t give a rat’s ass what he thought. I guess I deserved it. Anyway. The past is the past.

Fast forward. I’m 30 years old, and have had one major relapse. And oh, was it a motherfucking big one. But, I survived and am alive to tell the tale. Consider this: I lived drug-free, without the aid of doctors or needles for MANY years. I had a relapse, spent 3 weeks practically disabled, then came out of it ok. The basic procedure is 4-5 days of Solumedrol (steroid) treatments, rest, and patience. That’s what I did, and it turned out quite successfully.

SO, although the pharma companies DO play a role in providing treatment, they play an even larger role in the creation, cultivation, and progression of disease in general. How and why do I know this? I am a victim of this system, and if you are going to trust anyone with what you PUT INTO YOUR BODY (some of which CANNOT be removed), trust someone who has been there and knows what the fuck they are talking about. Doesn’t that make sense?

I am including some MRI photos taken 2 years ago of my brain. The legions are still quite prominent, and apparently there are several new ones. All I can say – to anyone with a serious illness – is to distrust ANYTHING some bonehead doctor has to say, because most of them don’t really understand you.

Different Perspective - MRI - MS

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20 Things I Appreciate: November 08-10

A wise and inspiring person recently suggested something to me … an activity to perform every day. The activity seemed cliché and useless at the time, but it wasn’t. She suggested that I get up every day, meditate (I already do), then sit and physically write out 20 things I truly appreciated on that day.

Me:  Well, what if I’m in a pissy mood that day and don’t appreciate anything?

Her: You will, just let yourself go through the day, and finish the list at the end (of that day).

Me: [confused] Why do I have to meditate first and then physically write it out, rather than type it?

Her: [relaxed and amused] Because. Just try it.

[end of conversation]


I tried this for a month and was surprised at how much more centered I felt. If I didn’t have anything or anyone to appreciate halfway through the day, I was so much more conscious of it than I had previously been. I understood after the first week why my friend said, “you will appreciate something, just wait”. This exercise helped me with two things: 1. Patience and 2. The ability to truly SEE everything around me … if I found myself feeling that there was “nothing to appreciate”, I realized how apathetic, ungrateful, and negative I was seeing the world.


We already have the ability to change our own attitude and outlook. Completely. We ALL have bad days and see shit in everything/ everyone we come across. No one is exempt from this. The difference will be within yourself and your own perception of ‘external stimuli’. The ability to see the GOOD, the positive, the happy, exciting, profound, inspiring … the real … will only resonate with you. The sentiment of wholeness/ oneness is a highly experience-oriented activity. Someone else will never be able to ‘tell you’ how to alter YOUR way of thinking. You have to take control. It MUST be YOU who sets the rules/ regulations … the guidelines to open-mindedness.


I threw a sample list of things I appreciate:


1. fruit

2. information

3. art

4. music!

5. life

6. humour: those who give/ receive it … can laugh with life. =)

7. creativity

8. warm clothes

9. my beautiful plants that seem to always live through shitty conditions!

10. seeing the vulnerability in everything

11. having a strong heart and mind

12. simplicity

13. forgiveness

14. understanding

15. patience

16. integrity

17. honesty

18. acceptance

19. intuition

20. gratitude

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